We’re committed to your health and safety, and we take our responsibility very seriously to limit the impact of COVID-19. As news around COVID-19 continues to change at a rapid pace, we will monitor the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization postings, quickly making adjustments to our policies and procedures to mitigate risk and ensure service availability. We will update our website with any additional information.
We encourage you to stay up-to-date about the virus on the CDC website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html where you can find the most-updated infection statistics, other helpful information, and ways to protect yourself.
As of now, our operations have not been disrupted, and we’ll continue to extend our normal hours of operation. We welcome customers to continue to use the services and facilities we offer. We understand that food safety is of the highest importance especially at a time like this.
We are actively taking precautions and have put even more preventive measures in place to combat COVID-19. In addition to our current cleaning practices and GMP policies, we are taking a few additional steps at each of our facilities including the following:
- We will continue our rigorous cleaning protocols and will be using industrial disinfectants and 1:10 bleach solution as needed.
- All surfaces will continue to be cleaned thoroughly throughout the day with extended sanitation cycles and at the beginning and end of each shift.
- We have reviewed cleaning protocols, personal hygiene and our internal communicable disease policies with our entire staff and will continue to closely monitor activities and enforce compliance with each policy.
We are ensuring our employees have the information they need to stay healthy, and we ask any employees not feeling well to stay home. We have established COVID-19 specific policies including travel restrictions and quarantine protocols to protect the health of all of our stakeholders and to reduce the likelihood that our activities contribute to COVID-19 community spread.
To help us with this, we ask for your cooperation in a few areas:
- Please refrain from visiting our facilities unless absolutely necessary; especially if you experience any cold or flu-like symptoms
- If you do visit us, please limit the number of team members you bring with you to those absolutely essential for the visit.
- If you have been in direct contact with someone who tested presumptive positive, please follow the CDC guidelines and refrain from visiting our facilities until the designated time period has passed and you are symptom free.
- If you have taken a cruise or traveled internationally in the last few weeks to or through any country that is or has been listed with a Level I, Level II or Level III Travel Notice, by the CDC as specified here, we ask that you delay your visit to our facilities by at least 14 days from the date you returned to the US. We ask that you also are cleared to work by a healthcare professional.
We will continue to closely monitor the latest announcements and guidelines from the CDC, World Health Organization and other sources and will provide updates on our visitation policies, services and facility availability as needed.
We appreciate your understanding and partnership in this important matter and will continue to focus on providing you with the highest quality, safe, accurate and timely inspection services. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions. My direct line is 817.453.3539 or email me at ckeith@flexxray.com.
Take care,
Chris Keith
Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Customer Service