We understand the hesitation that comes with sending your product to a vendor for third-party inspection. We do not offer X-ray equipment rentals — Here’s why:
Freight shipping costs are high — sometimes, as much as double the cost of the project when done at our facility. That’s a bad business decision waiting to happen.
Configuration and setup complexity leaves openness for user error, and operators require a high level of training. That’s not practical for almost any project.
The machine takes up space on the production floor, which is at a premium in your facility. Our facilities are dedicated and configured for your benefit.
The combination of high costs for producers and greater capabilities at our own facilities led us to remove X-ray rental from our offerings. Our food safety standards and extensive traceability ensure that the same standards of quality that exist at your facility are mirrored at ours. We specialize in this; we can handle your product hold.
FlexXray is a leading provider of X-ray inspection and contaminant retrieval services. We help 1,100+ businesses protect their products, keeping customers safe. We provide food safety resources and educational content to impact the food and manufacturing industries. If your product has a foreign contaminant, FlexXray can find it.