Manufacturers, your duty is to ensure your food product is safe for market. You have a HACCP plan to that end – one that’s undoubtedly incomplete without inspection for foreign material contamination. Your worst nightmare is for consumers to find physical contaminants that you missed.
The food inspection company you partner with can make or break your reputation. How can you know you’re making the best decision possible? The right partner will perform a high-quality inspection service and prioritize your bottom line, saving you time and money. We’ve put together a quick checklist to help determine whether or not the food inspection company you have in mind will fit the bill.

Your search for a food inspection company that checks all of these boxes ends here — you’ve already found it. FlexXray offers foreign material contamination inspection and retrieval services customized to you because no product, no contaminant and no manufacturer are the same.
As the industry leader for foreign material contamination inspection and retrieval, FlexXray checks each of the above boxes. Our highly skilled and thoroughly trained team harnesses the power and precision of the human eye and works in tandem with our custom-built, medical-grade technology to offer the best food inspection services on the market.
If you have product on hold for foreign material contamination, send us a sample today. If you’re ready to have FlexXray on speed dial the next time you do, reach out to our team here.